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Author: Knight121198 Subject: Hey I'm new and....

Posts: 5
Registered: 03-30-2009
Location: Canada

posted on 03-30-2009 at 17:08 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Hey I'm new and....

Hey, I came across this forum and decided to join.
I'm a 24 year old female who's still a virgin. It does bug me quite a bit. I can't seem to find anyone I'm interested in. All my friends are non-virgins, my youngest sister isn't one anymore and even the kids I use to baby-sit aren't virgins anymore. People find it so weird and I'm very embarrassed by it. I just wish I could find a man that I adore and feel the passion..
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Ginger (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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Location: Houston, TX

posted on 04-03-2009 at 20:08 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Hold Out For The One!

'Hey, I came across this forum and decided to join.
I'm a 24 year old female who's still a virgin. It does bug me quite a bit. I can't seem to find anyone I'm interested in. All my friends are non-virgins, my youngest sister isn't one anymore and even the kids I use to baby-sit aren't virgins anymore. People find it so weird and I'm very embarrassed by it. I just wish I could find a man that I adore and feel the passion..'

WHY are you embarrassed about it?

What I find weird is when people find virginity to be weird. I implore you
to ignore them. Eventually, you'll be glad that you did.

Any guy that is worth your while would be impressed by your principles
- I know that I am.

People who value their virginity to the point that they would never just throw
it away for the sake of getting rid of it are becoming all to rare - and I believe
that it's a shame that they are (becoming rare).

You should be proud of yourself. You're an individual who owns herself, and
I hope that you can continue to hold out until that special someone comes
along. Somehow, I doubt that you'll have to wait much longer.

View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By Blank_Wall (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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Location: Canada

posted on 04-07-2009 at 12:36 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Thanks! That means a lot to me and I hope I find a loving person. I find it so hard to meet men. I asked my friends if they know anyone and they usually ignore my question..
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Ginger (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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Registered: 04-07-2009

posted on 04-07-2009 at 13:55 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

"The One" will be pretty pissed off when you suck in bed. You can't just assume that your vagina can collect dust for 1/4 of your life and work perfectly when woken up from hibernation. You fail sexually.

This might be more up your alley.
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Location: Houston, TX

posted on 04-08-2009 at 05:18 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
It will be fine

'Thanks! That means a lot to me and I hope I find a loving person.

Love: That's really the most important thing - isn't it?

I find it most unfortunate that most people in this day and age place so
much emphasis on sex, and love is simply paid lip-service. Being a virgin
isn't all that significant when everything is kept in perspective.

If anyone would think badly of you for being a virgin, then that tells you
that the person holding that opinion is someone that you want to keep at
arms length.


I find it so hard to meet men. I asked my friends if they know anyone and they usually ignore my question..'

I don't understand that.

What part of the world do you live in?

In the US and Europe, men aggressively pursue women - in spite of
all the talk about "sexual equality".

How would you describe your personality?

(I don't have one. I don't call myself "Blank_Wall" for nothing.)

Would you consider yourself to be at least somewhat physically attractive?

BTW: Welcome to the forum.

It doesn't get much traffic, and it's infested with some insecure little trolls
that have issues of their own - just ignore them and they'll go away eventually.
(Please don't feed the trolls.) Other than that, it has some very supportive
people in it.

View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By Blank_Wall (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

Posts: 5
Registered: 03-30-2009
Location: Canada

posted on 04-08-2009 at 16:27 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator


Love: That's really the most important thing - isn't it?

I find it most unfortunate that most people in this day and age place so
much emphasis on sex, and love is simply paid lip-service. Being a virgin
isn't all that significant when everything is kept in perspective.

If anyone would think badly of you for being a virgin, then that tells you
that the person holding that opinion is someone that you want to keep at
arms length.


I find it so hard to meet men. I asked my friends if they know anyone and they usually ignore my question..'

I don't understand that.

I don"t know what I was writing'm trying to get my friends to set me up with men they know..No luck so far.

What part of the world do you live in?

In the US and Europe, men aggressively pursue women - in spite of
all the talk about "sexual equality".

How would you describe your personality?

(I don't have one. I don't call myself "Blank_Wall" for nothing.)

Would you consider yourself to be at least somewhat physically attractive?

BTW: Welcome to the forum.

It doesn't get much traffic, and it's infested with some insecure little trolls
that have issues of their own - just ignore them and they'll go away eventually.
(Please don't feed the trolls.) Other than that, it has some very supportive
people in it.

' I don"t know what I was writing'm trying to get my friends to set me up with men they know..No luck so far.

I live in Canada, but I don't find men be very aggressive when it comes to meeting woman.

I'm a Introvert, but I do have Extroverted tendencies. My friends tell me I'm fun and I love doing stuff on a whim.

I do have self-image issues and I'm trying to work on it. But people tell me I'm beautiful.
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Posts: 5
Registered: 03-30-2009
Location: Canada

posted on 04-08-2009 at 16:43 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I'll tell you a little about myself and my relationships..

I had my first boyfriend and first kiss at 14. We broke up 6 months later and he ended up dating my BF. (It wasn't a big deal to me, because I didn't like him anymore) She could have him if she wanted
tI started changing and became really negaitive about myself. I wanted to be alone and I became really sensitive. I had a friendship that faded away. I started to get into different things and our friendship faded..
At 15, I met this guy and we dated for 6 months. I lived in the country and he lived in town. We never kissed or anything. Around this time, my parents were always fighting and I become much more negative about myself..
I broke up with him 6 months later and wanted to work on my self-esteem. I still had contact with him and in the summer he wanted to work it out again..I agreed, but inside I didn't want to. He would bike to the country and one time it freaked me out! The guy ended up leaving me harrassing messages and pressuring me. He would drive out to the country and wait until I got home. I eventually told my parents and they told me if he got in contact with me again they would call the cops.
His phone calls became less frequent and soon they ended.
Two years later, my negativity got so bad I comtemplated suicide. I was in a Psych ward and my parents spilt up.
I moved to town with my mom and sister and we started a new life( leaving my 4 brothers with my dad)
I graduated high school...
I started a new job and this one guy liked me. I just liked him as a friend.In 2007, My boss and a co-worker pressured me into dating him. I wasn't sure, but said yes. I lost his number and went to Europe for 10 days. I came back and a few months later I left that job and started a new one. my boss, and co-worker was pissed at me for ignoring him and got involved with it.
I started University last year. I work too much. While all of this was going on, my friends were losing their virginity and having relationships. All of them have kids or getting married.
I'm not sure what's wrong with me. I just wish a MAN would be a MAN and ask me out! That's all I want.
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Posts: 1
Registered: 04-28-2009

posted on 04-28-2009 at 09:04 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Know how u feel ur not alone

Hi Ginger,Its weird isent it hun 1 minute your 16 and your sex life is the last thing on your mind then you wake up one day and a decade has gone by and your wondering what youve done wrong.For me its like that you see im a 26 year old guy and im a virgin.

My story is as follows.

since i was small ive always been a fat kid,i moved to Portugal when i was 9 years old,i was teased at school and was never even considered a real guy by girls at all.Its not like they ever called me names as such because if they did i could handle that,no they did somthing far worse,they tested there acting abilities on me,they said that they loved me that they wanted me and all that other crap everytime they did that and i just began to believe them they would run away laughthing,god some of them were so convincing that i truly believed that they liked me,now at 26 i cant even tell if a girl likes me at all, i mean any signals im given i cant even process so i just feel really uncomfortable when a girl starts to flirt with a little more sexual inuendo.When i was 25 i weighted 22 stone thats 140kg,310 pounds or so and i lost about 65 kg in 10 months it was real achievement.I work in a bar and alot of good looking girls come in but they all want a quick romp and to be quite frank they might be good looking but thats all they have and as lonely as i am i like to think that i will meet a real girl someone i can hit it off with someone i could have a relationship with you know i dont want to just get it over with i want my first time to mean something to me,like i hope most of you all out there would.

Funny thing is the other day i was chatting to 2 girls 1 was a 25 year old very nice and the other was her mother(never would have known it if she hadnt told me) now i thought i was doing alright with them,we would joke around and laugh,we would chat and stuff and id flirt to,just not as much as my 27 year old brother which seemed to me to be far to eager.Anyway when i found out the both were involved i backed off from the flirting and just became social,ive always believed that a person should act the way they want to be treated because if i had a gf who went on vacation id like to think a guy would give me the same respect if he found out she was involved.2 days after they left my brother came up to me and said they asked him a question do you know what it was? this is what he said "You know they asked me whats wrong with you they said u didnt seem intrested in girls at all and they wondered if you were gay!" now im not gonna tell you how much that hurt because it really did.

Point is Men have problems to hun we are all the same.and yes i know i went really off topic and vented alittle but isent that what we are here for.
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