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Senior Member
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Registered: 10-16-2002 Location:
posted on 01-11-2006 at 12:55 |
International Mail Order Bride Act -Senator Maria Cantwell
Senator Maria Cantwell from Washington State, Man-Hater and Extreme Feminist, passed a law to prevent men from communicating with women outside the USA.
The International Mail Order Bride Act (IMBA) has taken away some of the most basic freedoms: the right of free speech and the freedom of association. Senator Cantwell has actually done more harm and put more women in jeopardy by putting loop-holes in the Bill for the large corporations like Yahoo personals and Match.com. These big companies offer no assistance or protection to foreign women, and are not required to comply with the new law.
Foreign marriage companies like A Foreign Affair offer counseling and guidance to all its members. Senator Cantwell has put foreign women at risk, while stomping on American’s rights. A very simple solution to protect all women and men is to have the INS do the background checks during the Fiancee Visa process. Obviously, this was too simple for Senator Cantwell to comprehend.
One interesting note: there is no law preventing foreign men, criminals, or terrorists from communicating with American women
Even the moderate feminists such as Wendy McElroy condemn the law:
What view of the American man does the IMBA broadcast to the world? American men are so predatory and violent that the U.S. government must protect foreign women by providing police checks before allowing the men to say "hello."
“There is no reason to believe that violence against "mail-order brides" is higher than against women in general. No evidence supports the criminalization of every American man who looks overseas for a wife.”
“What I do sympathize with, however, are the privacy rights of people who are considered guilty until proven innocent. This is especially true when a government violates the privacy of its own citizens to benefit foreign individuals. “
Wendy McElroy is the editor of ifeminists.com and a research fellow for The Independent Institute in Oakland, Calif. She is the author and editor of many books and articles, including the new book, "Liberty for Women: Freedom and Feminism in the 21st Century" (Ivan R. Dee/Independent Institute, 2002). She lives with her husband in Canada.
Senior Member
Posts: 84
Registered: 08-03-2005 Location: Santa Monica, CA.
posted on 01-13-2006 at 12:21 |
Senator Cartwell's email address
Email her and let her now how you feel about this legislation she did. I hope the voters of Washington state don't vote for her in again.
Senator Cantwell
Posts: 2
Registered: 04-16-2007 Location:
posted on 04-16-2007 at 00:23 |
Many thanks to senator Cantwell
Dear friends!
The agressive articles about senator Cantwell made me writing this reply.
I am a "mail-order" bride. I had a share my pleasund and unpleasunt experiences of relationships with men but before I came here i didn't realize how nasty men could be toward women. And I am talking about a way an american man was treating me, manipulating my feelings, troughing his anger and frustration with life and american women on me and I couldn't reply back.
What goes around comes around. This man is punished now. I believe in God and I have got protection.
But amny women are coming here and getting abused every single day and they didn't even realize that they have rights here.
I am sure that no one NORMAL and decent man would go looking for teh bride overseas when thre are planty women here in the country, succsessful, educated, beatiful, intellegent and nice.
I am not sure whtehr administrator will place my reply but I am not insulting anyone and just reflect my own opinion and opinion of big community of russian-ukranian women I met there that men's background must be cheked and forigner women at least have to have more protection.
And my last word is to abusers who are planning to bring a woman from overseas:
there is more and more attention to such people and they will not get away easy with horrible things they do. What goes around comes around:-))
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Registered: 06-29-2012 Location:
posted on 06-29-2012 at 21:48 |
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